PRIMATIVE TECHNOLOGY SPERCIAL* A boon for those interested in
primitive technology! Get the new Art of Flint Knapping 6th Edition, The Art Of
Flint Knapping Video Companion DVD, The Art of Making Primitive Bows and
Arrows, D.C. Waldorf- Beyond Thrashing & Bashing Flint
Knapping: Next Steps DVD, and Roasting Rocks: The Art and Science
of Heat Treating Revised Edition, all five, for the special low price
of $80!
Buy this here and you will get copies that are signed and dated by D.C. Waldorf. This offer is available nowhere else! *Also, comes with a free, 1 1/2 - 2 inch flint projectile point made by the master himself!
This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 24 October, 2013.